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SHE says

Wad u see might nt be wad it is
Wad u tink might nt be wad it seems
Feel frm de heart is key to truth
If u dun believe mi,
den dun even bother
to ask mi in de 1st place
I dun entertain ppl who r nt worth my time

nick:far mountain,shan,姗姗来迟
15 July
wild EIGHTEEN (always ^^)
an introvert
stubborn at times
violent when kena provoked(dun try..=p)

sandbag, boxing gloves
an erhu
learn bowling
learn roller blading
learn ice skating
learn chi & eng chess
learn piano
try 100% cocoa
white high heels
formal black heels
pair of roller skates
experience motorbike ride
have driving license




Tuesday, September 06, 2011



生命中最难说的两个字不是 “再见”, 而是 “永别”。

Sunday, February 20, 2011
18 feb

after giving tuition, went hm to take his gundam den go his hse give him...went loyang pt for dinner after tat...tot oni him, mi & james kor kor eat dinner tgt nia...but when we reached de fd court, de whole fam was there...so paiseh >.< havin dinner wif his fam always feel so great & warm :) but sumtimes i feel kinda bad coz de useless mi cant take spicy stuffs...& his mum will hav to avoid ordering or cookin spicy dishes :( i've been trg to take spicy stuffs, but y is it tat after so long, i still cant succeed...sian...everywhere i went, i'm de burden which prevent ppl frm enjoyin
delicious spicy fd :(((

his cute sister still ask if he need any help in decorating de chalet for his 21st...like balloons or ribbons kind of stuffs...LOL...coz she didnt get de chance to do all dis when it's her 21st...lol...hmm i guess when it's my 21st, i will let her help mi wif de decorations all dis ba...haha...den she wun feel sad sad anymore le ^^

mi & dear check in de chalet 1st...wait so damn long for gx they all to arrive la...wait until i almost fell asleep le -.- he sms to hurry them, guess wad's their reply... "we will reach anytime b4 tmr"... _l_ ..lol...

when they arrived & plus his one new fren called ray came, we chatted, joked & drank
vodka...watched gundam movie too...everyone was so engrossed in watchin except mi >.< stupid RAY...he dun wan to slp & dun let ppl slp oso!wth -.- he's humourous but still sori la, idk how to appreciate clubbers' culture...so save ur efforts...

19 feb

Happy beloved 21st to my dearest jason! ;)

his bdae 50 pax buffet...haven inclu de bbq stuffs yet :P
mi & mum help to prepare de corn & kebab for bbq & fruit cocktail drink ^^ while his mum bought otah & satay all dis...

swensens choco mint ice cream cake...it's too dark plus it's chocolate, so can oni see de candle flames...lol...

de handsome b'dae boy :D

us :)
actualli shld be taken wif his mum & dad de...but idk y his parents suddenly siam so fast in order to let us hav dis private pic...lol >.<

wif his fam but james kor kor nt inside...lol...

above pic + 2 relatives...

whole fam+2 relatives...

coz de candles given r so short & they melt so fast+ it's ice cream cake...so no choice hav to cut cake even b4 there's enuf time to take a veri big grp pic :(

cut cake le :P

de worst thing i ever done 2dae was to MIA after i fetched mic :( lol...coz i was keeping her company & sumtimes there's nt enuf space to sit so we went to de opp side to eat...plus i felt kinda awkward there...i'm nt used to getting alot of attention...lol...

BIGGEST JOKE of de day: his parents misunderstood tat i took a guy to their son's 21st bdae party when actualli it's MICHELE who's beside mi...ROFL...

& hav to thx mic babe for helpin mi to take pics :) de pics u ppl saw mostly r taken wif my cam coz his fren haven upload online yet...mic, saw wad i called u?BABE...so u betta change & be a hot one!dun be my "bf" le!hahaha :P

20 feb

hmm nth much..juz tat we chatted till 4 plus den slp again like de 1st nite...& we 4gt to pack de leftover buffet fd...when we realised, de ppl alr came to collect de buffet trays le :(

after dis 3D2N chalet, my face super chui...nvr slp enuf ma...lol...reached hm bathe & fb awhile, ji tao slp till at nite 7 plus den wake eat dinner (3-in-1 meal)...haha...

Sunday, February 06, 2011
CNY 3rd day

his parents still in msia...den JL wan play majong ma...so dear, mi, JL & james kor kor played tgt 1st...until james kor kor de fren came & took over...wah nt bad sia i keep winning...lol...till JL damn sian...coz i keep diao 庄 den he sit opp mi...keep say "eh u noe how sian i feel anot...keep hav to 排19 tiles when i'm nt de one who's winning..."plus he's de one who keep 打牌让我胡...hav to pay mi double summore...lol...

den 2nd rd i lose a few bucks...next time dun anyhow shake ppl's hand when u r on a winning stride...haha...coz all ur gd luck will pass to tat person...but well, overall still gt win :P everybody play play happy jiu hao :D

we play till like 3am plus den leave...james kor kor drive de lorry send mi & JL hm...he ar super bad...mi & dear sitting behind, & he there drive so fast past de PRCS sharp corner & down de slope...de feeling nt shiok, is scary! LOL...

CNY 4th day

a 1st visit to gx's new hse...lol...i was like WOW...u sure urs is a HDB unit?lol...coz de whole hse was designed by a designer...glass mostly for de main theme...& it looked like a hotel of 3 stars at least?haha...

hmm 2dae nt my day ba...i lost 2 bucks to gx & 5 bucks to agnes...but de worst is dear...coz he lost 16 bucks to gx...haha...

when we r abt to leave, gx parents juz nice came bck...& all of us gt one surprise angbao... so paiseh sia! >.< mi & dear walked agnes to de bus stop le den he sent mi hm...but b4 sending mi hm, dis baka ar wan go toilet...say go bck his hse de toilet 1st den sent mi bck -.- i was like juz nw at gx hse y u dun go...zzz...

wait for him in his living rm lor...& here comes de 2nd surprise angbao from his mum >.< see la, all ur fault...lol...

Friday, February 04, 2011
CNY eve 2 feb

dis yr CNY eve abit diff...coz gt one extra person coming for reunion dinner :)
waseh mum cook 7 dishes...when it's like oni 5 ppl eating -.- gt his favourite cereal prawn, yu sheng, lotus root soup & blah blah blah...regret nvr took pic of de dishes :(

after dinner at my hse, we left my hse & went his hse at ard 8pm for 2nd rd of reunion meal...lol...his hse is steamboat...gt lots of nice fd which my mum wun tink of preparing if we r having steamboat...but we r too full so eat abit oni :(

den play majong wif his fam...his dad play majong when take or throw tiles always veri "impactful"...lol...

CNY 1st day
mi & cousin huiping at grandma hse...wah my face look so smooth & free of pimples when i put makeup v^^ wahahaha...

CNY is boring as usual...so of coz i stayed there played card games wif my cousins for awhile den go meet him for movie...we watched de green hornet...in 2D version...coz we tink it's a waste of money to watch in 3D...haha...hmm dis movie nt bad lo...will give a rating of 7.5/10 ba...nt tat i dislike jay chou, it's juz tat i'm quite surprised he's acting in a eng movie...lol...& his eng srs sux big time... "u wna see smth cool?" was de big joke of de movie...coz i dun even noe he's speakin dis sentence if i didnt look at de subtitles...i watched dis movie in cinema veri gd liao wor...imagine tons of ppl out there had alr watched it online even b4 it's out in de theatres...LOL...

random pic taken in world of sports...i look fat :( coz had been eating alot recently...

i look weird wif de flower hairband...guess my head is juz nt suitable wearing dis type of hairband ba :(

after de movie went to shop ard lo...de day ended wif his fren azri driving us bck...den he send mi till my doorstep...& off he goes wif JL & azri to ray's hse at AMK for majong session -.- is like next morning goin msia still wan go play thru out de nite...wadeva suits him...i'm pissed &
i gave up tryin to persuade him in nt goin...

CNY 2nd day

went dad's side to 拜年...same dishes for lunch every yr...abit sian liao..lol...i noe abalone is gd stuff...but oso dun need to FLOOD de whole soup wif abalone slices rite...OMG like damn waste de abalone la...& after de abalone slices has been soaked in de soup for so long, they tasted like rubber -.-

ltr in de day went bck to grandma's hse...

gosh...de outcome of nt havin enuf slp...face super chui :(((
so photo dun post so big...lol...

next will be featuring de kids...my beloved nephews & niece ^^

sian sian caven playin wif his jeep...he's so handsome :P

in kids world, 别人碗里的食物总是比较好吃...see, lil caven alr aimming at de pokka tea when he's supposed to drink his sweet herbal tea...haha...

when cousin heng zhu tok to him, he replied with eyes still aimming at de pokka tea...but oh well, he doesn't noe tat it's an empty bottle tat he's aimming at...LOL...

after getting changed...he gave mi a weird expression...lol...& he sit so straight machiam like takin passport photo...haha...

pretty korean pingxuan :D

aiyo tsk so young gamble play wif majong liao...hahaha...but dun worry it's a case of sooner or ltr...i knew how to play majong when i was 8 yrs old...haha...& pingxuan is 4 yrs old nw...

korean gal vanora (pingxuan) & chinese boy jeavan (pingkai)...dis 2 kids r de cause of my handicapped left arm for 2 days...lol...coz they wan see cars in de carpark...& they r so lucky cars keep coming in & goin out of de carpark...so i had to carry them for quite long...alternate carry them...lol...pingkai is 2 yrs old & pingxuan is 4 yrs old...imagine their body weight when u carry them...lol...

Monday, January 17, 2011
15 jan


well, although it's nt my 21st b'dae, but juz plain helpin de b'dae gal to plan & doin decoration stuffs, i'm enjoyin myself too!^^ feeling as tho it's my b'dae...LOL...nw i gt some ideas for my 21st...which is like 2 yrs ltr...lmao still so long i tink so far liao...haha...

we went to collect de helim balloons at bugis b4 checkin in de chalet...imagine de 2 of us taking 11 balloons each...lol damn attention seeking la...but i fufilled a childhood dream :P

when i was young, whenever my mum brought mi to a shopping mall which has a booth giving away free balloons...i will definitely go get one...but as time passed, i wasn't contented...so i decided to try~

mi: kor kor, i wan balloon...
promoter: ok, here u go... (took one string of balloon out of de whole bunch)
mi: no, i dun wan...i wan tat! (pt to de bunch of balloons he holding)

of coz i failed to get so many la...lol...de manager is juz behind de booth, if tat promoter gave mi de whole bunch, he confirm tio scolding le...lol...

i was super excited being able to hold so many balloons in my hands v^^ ...oso afraid tat they will suddenly burst or gt blown away...lol...but lucky wad happen in UP didnt happen to us...LOL...

saw my sec sch cca fren Ebian...lol still de same nice old guy...nice to bully...haha i'm so evil XD
nice catchup wif him...de last time i saw him was by coincidence in mrt & he's studyin at simei ITE...but nw he's in NYP...same course as my cousin too...lol...

de gigantic b'dae cake which cant even fit inside de chalet fridge...de cake which stated its weight 3kg but feels like 5kg...hahaha...but he is de one carrying it so nt my prob...muachahahaha...coz de cardboard box which contained de cake is veri thin, den de side accidentally buang tio a lil...de cream border kena :(


wif "rocker" theresa :D

wif dear & theresa...his job is to help carry de b'dae cake & send mi hm...lol poor him...still gt proj haven chiong finish...i tink he enjoyed chatting wif theresa's 堂主(i guess so ba) juz as i do...coz he's machiam like ah bob cher, straightforward & humourous...hahaha...

de sweet lil memoir(instant photo) for every fren who turned up for her 21st :)