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SHE says

Wad u see might nt be wad it is
Wad u tink might nt be wad it seems
Feel frm de heart is key to truth
If u dun believe mi,
den dun even bother
to ask mi in de 1st place
I dun entertain ppl who r nt worth my time

nick:far mountain,shan,姗姗来迟
15 July
wild EIGHTEEN (always ^^)
an introvert
stubborn at times
violent when kena provoked(dun try..=p)

sandbag, boxing gloves
an erhu
learn bowling
learn roller blading
learn ice skating
learn chi & eng chess
learn piano
try 100% cocoa
white high heels
formal black heels
pair of roller skates
experience motorbike ride
have driving license




Tuesday, November 27, 2007
8 nov onwards to 11 nov

was so happy...felt much more relieved as o lvls juz ended & so i began wk immediately on 8 nov after de job interview...de job was fun, interesting & challenging...i quite lyk de job...even though my pay was not veri high coz i m inexperienced...i was being well-treated & sold many victoria secret perfume on my 1st day of wk...hmmm...a good start...

however, i encountered prob too...as i was new & a slow learner, i often wrote de selling list wrongly...but ah fai kor kor always teach mi patiently whereas Iris was sort of pissed off...den de manager asked to see mi one day abt my wk performance...he was shocked i was a slow learner & taught mi how to write de list...

i luv it de most when customers wanted recommendations of perfumes...coz in tat way, they will not ask too many qns which i dunno how to ans...hahax...

12 nov-13 nov

class gathering at aloha loyang...had a very fun time there...most of de class came...we had bbq but de food doesn't seem to be enuf plus all those junk food we brought...many went to de RED HOUSE after we finished watching HEROES on channel 5 at abt 11.50pm...i dun dare to go as i was rather timid & scare of de dark...

end up heard tat there was cars & ppl near de red house so they cant go in to explore...wakau...den tat stupid ginger bluff mi lor...he told mi he saw de spirit...den wad de spirit face ish half human half ghost...wth...

i nvr sleep thruout de nite...was accompanying selina in de living rm to guard de door as we were de oni ones still awake...many either went to red hse or downtown east while de rest r asleep in de rm...i was reading & selina blogging...ended up selina blog until slp...i a few times almost doze off den i told myself cant slp...i muz wait till them cum bck...so wait until 4 plus den some of them came bck...but i cant slp liao...becum hyper again...

16 nov

de day of prom nite had arrived...i perm my hair liao go meet BHH sis they all at selina hse...den selina's mum drove us to sch...

ok...sori for not announcing earlier...de one i lyk ish wad u all alwae tot de person ish...all those wad "u tink u noe mi so well?" & "wad makes u tink tat i lyk him?" ish to confuse u all...after i realise my acting got holes, i tried everything to mend it...if u all noe me really well,u all shld guess tat i might hav say words wif de opp meaning underneath...

enjoy de prom nite...took many pics...one of coz esp...wif him...he look so shuai den i had seen b4...i oso got confess to him 3 days b4 prom & i alr got de ans liao...

de 1st to noe who i lyk ish mic...coz she got access to my private pic...2nd ish selina...3rd ish belle sis...

pic of prom nite go refer to my frenster profile...i m simply too lazy to post them...

17-18 nov

went to selina hse for movie marathon...oso stay overnight there...

28 nov

sia la...wkin place there flood...1st time see shopping centre will flood de...my wkin place ish de newspaper published de photo lor...lucky plaza basement one...we spent de whole afternoon sweeping water...we sos ah long from upstairs de outlet he tot we kidding him sia...luckily earlier in de day still got ppl cum buy things otherwise business seriously affected liao...

there was a big drain hole so everybody started sweeping all de water towards there...they all asked me carry to and fro pails of water to empty it near de hole...becoz it was so slippery i slip & fall...instead of helping mi up, tat stupid ah long go laugh at mi...den he still wan take my pic summore, saying he will send my pathetic photo to mediacorp den ltr i will see myself on channel 5 de 9pm news...kau...den i told him if he dare i will splash him one whole pail of dirty water immediately...so bad lor...ppl fall down still wan take pic...idioit..so ungentleman..

den there was de boss's bro's son cum wkin at our outlet for de 1st time...he can be said to be suay la...juz start wk nia meet dis kind of unfortunate event...his name ish Ivan...i dun actualli lyk him veri much...he gave mi de impression of a rich young master...coz during de flooding he was lyk reluctant to help...den he no choice muz help coz de water level in our shop ish rising...

wad anger me ish tat while i was sweeping water out at de shop entrance, he was sweeping water out from de stock rm...& he dis blind guy didnt see i so big person there juz use alot strength sweep one big puddle of water towards mi...there i was, wet from head to toe & i stink!

if i had noe earlier there was gonna be a flood i will definitely take leave...so suay lor...abt evening lyk tat no more flood liao...den got customers cum buy things but all muz pay by cash coz all de wire for nets & wadeva card payment kena water cant use...

Thursday, November 01, 2007
18 oct

o lvls comb sc prac...phy prac ish glass block...nvr tot tat would cum out...i scolded fuck when i saw tat on my table...but of coz ish scold inside heart la...

mrs koh got let us do de experiment b4...last yr & dis yr oso hav...but in 2 periods i had nvr finished b4...summore need ppl to help mi...i was so afraid i cant do finish...

chem prac ish on chemical analysis...i alwae do chem prac 1st coz more troublesome need to heat ma...de bunsen burner so hard to light up...i press de lighter a zillion times de fire still not lighted...den de gas smell all cum out alr so i quickly switch off de gas tap...

i totally wasted 10 min trying to light tat stubborn bunsen burner...i gave up..i cant afford to waste anymore time...i raise up my hand high to seek help...i dun care if i were to lose marks...it's still betta to juz stand there & waste time...den tat invigilator didnt see...he was busy checking our index...

den i decided to try again...& finally! i succeeded...woohoo! i didnt seek help neither did i got deducted marks...

de person who set de phy prac is so mean...everything do on 1 piece of paper can liao ma...torture us...made us do on 5 separate pieces of paper...

24 oct

2dae 1st written paper chem...i 1st time revise finished everything for chem sia...guidebk,textbk & cher notes...was quite confident initially...end up qns cum out to mi i tink abit tricky la...they mostly focus on periodic table...though got study finish but some cant recall de ans...

25 oct

geog paper 2...manageable...almost exactly as prelim...i do de de qns on de topics i did in prelim...hopefully i can pass...

26 oct

elective hist paper...dun quite understand de cartoon source...last qns ish evaluate all sources if who were more brutal-whites or blosheviks?

i dun understand definition of brutal...so guess lo..it shld be a bad word...& i was right!heng sia...SEQ of coz choose war in pacific la...de easiest chp of all...actualli tot war in europe will hav higher possibility of cumin out...

27 oct

meet mrs see in de afternoon...was shocked she reached de meeting place(blk 482 void deck) so fast...i didnt expect sch to close so early...end up i rush there asap...i asked to meet her there coz it's juz opp de sch easy to find & most chers turn right after walking out of sch gate...

de void deck veri bright & windy...but a bit too gd liao...de wind so big blow till my hair & mrs see hair so messy...summore i juz bathe finish nia...

time pass veri fast..when mrs see finished goin thru all those qns i dunno it's alr 5 plus liao...

29 oct

was tired out...hav 3 papers at one go sia...cambridge tink we superman wor...can tahan..lol...in btw eng paper 1 & 2 got 10 min break...i go toilet...wasia...so many ppl...queue until veri long outside leh...den in btw eng paper 2 & maths paper 1 got veri long break so we go out eat lunch...actualli wan lunch at coffee express de but somehow dunno y there full hse...no choice buy take away...

30 oct

had maths paper 2...was rather easy...qns 1 ish prob sums which i hate de most...plus oso veri tired coz not enuf slp...so i skip de whole qns 1 which ish 10 marks & move on to qns 2...qns 2 my favourite ma...all algebra...after completing qns 2 go bck do qns 1...den can tink betta liao...coz my mind inside kept on playing fu man ren jian de song...as i watched de repeat during wkend...

as de song was a lively one i suddenly becum veri happy & hyper...weird hor...dunno leh...sumtimes when i sing or listen to a song too many times i cant even slp at nite...i cant control...de song juz played repeatedly non-stop in my mind...

31 oct

retake mt o lvls...it's much more easier den de mid-yr one...esp paper 2...i 1st time finish so fast still got 10 min left to slowly check my wk...pls let mi get an A1 dis time...i realli wan an A1...


phy paper 2dae...betta den de chem paper...fri...can slack abit...wkend den chiong ss...after ss liao more relaxed le...5 more days to my freedom...yeah...

juz nw selina cum ka jiao me in msn...found out alot ppl in her hse..den some ppl go imitate ginger...made me veri pissed off...i dun tink it's funnie at all & i told them to stop tat...now i not angry le but ppl next time pls dun play such plank on mi again...i dun lyk it...i m a rather sensitive person...

1st person to noe who tat guy ish will be mic...if she got go check...becoz oni she & another person got access...dun bother to try to ask anything out from her coz she ish not gonna online till her o lvls r over...plus her last paper ish 13 nov...even she noe u all had no means to contact her coz u all dun hav her no. or email...in addition if u plan to ask her thru frenster den 4get it coz she can dun visit tat website for dunno how many wks...hahax...

i got write in my diary but u wun get de chance to read it...muachahahahaha....i had done all de safety precautions for de secret...so u all oni can wait...i m all prepared..feel free to suan mi on mon...bleah....=p